Joseph Millson shared photos from the set of Acorn TV's new series The Chelsea Detective, starring Adrian Scarborough, with Joseph appearing as chef Jonno. Deadline has more information.
A new audio digital play by Mark ravenhill for the Pitlochry Festival Theatre has tickets available until 2nd April 2021. For more details click on the theatre website. Joseph Millson shared his recent Basic Theatre Award for his role in Mary Poppins on Instagram.
ANGELA - an autobiography by leading dramatist Mark Ravenhill - will be the first of eight new plays delivered in our brand-new audio-digital platform with The Lyceum, and Naked Productions, and directed by Sony Award-winning Polly Thomas.
The link is your ticket and gives you access to the whole event.
In 2020 writer Ray Connolly spent six months in hospital with Covid. As the virus attacked his body, he was, for much of the time, in a coma. Unaware of how doctors and nurses were saving his life, his mind was filled with fantasies. Only when he recovered did he discover that his wife, Plum, had sent daily bulletins on his condition to their children, some of which had made harrowing reading. Devoted is the story of how Plum would fear the ringing of the phone from the hospital, but also of how music was used to break into Ray’s coma and help nurse him back to health.
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