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Every Good Boy Deserves Favour: Times interview

Posted: Jan, 05, 2009

By: admin

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There is an article by Bryan Appleyard in the dead tree edition of today's Sunday Times Culture magazine, about the play and includes a brief interview with Joseph, who apparently is in the process of losing 2 stone in weight for the role.
"I have to look the part, as there does seem to be an implicit understanding in the play of how long he has been in these terrible places. There' is a kind of addiction to matyrdom in him that has quite a bit of glamour in it. It seems quite important to him that his name is known in the west."


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Tenth Planet signing: podcast

Posted: Dec, 16, 2008

By: admin

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There is a podcast, available to download, from Saturday's signing event on this website.
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Sarah Jane Adventures: Joseph interview

Posted: Oct, 16, 2008

By: admin

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There is an interview with Joseph and Juliet Cowan in issue 410 of the Doctor Who Magazine (available tomorrow). Thanks to Sarah Jane TV for posting details.

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Hamlet: Radio 4 interview and audio clips

Posted: Jun, 29, 2008

By: admin

Comments: 0

Thanks to Mrs Gardiner from the forum, who heard Joseph's interview and clips from Hamlet on the Broadcasting House programme on Radio 4 this morning. I only caught the last few minutes on my way back from work, but it should be available to listen again on the website later. Hope we havent missed any other interviews...
Edit: the clip is available to listen to for another week. Joseph's very brief interview...*he said that he has been too tired to be nervous* and snippets of the dress rehearsal can be heard at about 25 -26 minutes into the programme.
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