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Henry V: Millson’s interpretation has a lovely classic feel to it

Posted: Aug, 02, 2019

By: admin

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A new review for Henry V at Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre has been shared by Reviews Hub, with some kind words about Joseph Millson as Henry. 

The title role of King Henry is one of the most challenging written by the bard with numerous lengthy yet ingenious speeches, most of which are well known and often quoted. Many fans of Shakespeare will have their own idea of how these speeches should be delivered. What a challenge to take on, and Joseph Milson stands up to it with the majesty and gallantry of, well, a king. Delivered with real attention paid to the detail of the language, Millson’s interpretation has a lovely classic feel to it. A little quiet at times in the open air, yet Millson successfully reveals to the audience what is truly going on in Harry’s mind and the difficulties behind leading his band of brothers into battle.

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Henry V: press night tonight

Posted: Jul, 31, 2019

By: admin

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It is press night for Henry V this evening at the Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre in Chester, with Joseph in the lead role. Earlier today, The Borrowers had their press 'night', with Joseph Millson as Oliver Overmantle. A couple of reviews have been sneaked online early, but both plays as well as Twelfth Night are running until August 25th. Tickets via this link.

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Henry V: first preview tonight at Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre

Posted: Jul, 27, 2019

By: admin

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Joseph Millson has been appearing on stage at the Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre as Oliver in The Borrowers and Antonio in Twelfth Night. Sending love from the website as tonight Joseph takes the lead role in Shakespeare's Henry V, as the show opens in previews. You can see all three plays until August 25th, and tickets to the shows can be bought from the Grosvenor Park website

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Henry V: interview for Storyhouse

Posted: Jul, 14, 2019

By: admin

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This summer, Joseph Millson (along with wife Sarah-Jane Potts) will be appearing in 3 plays as part of Chester's Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre programme for 2019: Oliver in The Borrowers, Antonio in Twelfth Night, and takes the lead role in Henry V. The whole thing began on July 5th and the plays run in rep until August 25th. More information about the plays and details of where to get tickets can be found here. To promote the summer season, there is a great interview with Joseph on this website

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