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The Cazalets: more Casting Off broadcast dates

Posted: Jun, 29, 2013

By: admin

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The BBC Radio 4 website for The Cazalets has been updated with broadcastdates and cast details for the first 5 episodes of the Casting Off series. Joseph plays Archie in episodes 1, 4 and 5. 

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The Dead 2 India: official website updates

Posted: Jun, 27, 2013

By: admin

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The official website for The Dead 2 India has been updated with new images and film info.  Check back for more updates. 

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Stolen Light Film Screening

Posted: Jun, 26, 2013

By: admin

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There was a bit of a 'Reunited' reunion last night at the BFI in London for a private screening of Stolen Light. Some lovely photos of Joseph attending the screening have been shared on the Stolen Light Facebook Page - check them out. 

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Macbeth opens in previews at The Globe tonight

Posted: Jun, 23, 2013

By: admin

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The Globe Theatre have shared a gorgeous new promo photo of Joseph and Samantha Spiro by Ellie Kurttz in advance of Macbeth opening in previews tonight. Sending love and best wishes to Joseph from all on the website and forum.

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Macbeth: more rehearsal photos

Posted: Jun, 21, 2013

By: admin

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The Official London Theatre website has shared lots more fantastic reheasal photos for Macbeth. The show opens in previews tommorrow at The Globe Theatre. 

Something wicked this way comes... it's Joseph Millson, Samantha Spiro and the cast of Shakespeare's Globe's Macbeth preparing their production. Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble... We would never ever say that Olivier Award-winning actress Eve Best is a witch. Never. Let's make that clear. But for the sake of a handy analogy, she is, like the famous wicked women of Macbeth, the directorial sorceress throwing ingredients into the cooking pot of the Shakespeare's Globe's rehearsal room.

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