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Wireless: episode 2 online

Posted: Jan, 02, 2015

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We finally get a glimpse of Joseph in Andrew Lee Potts' webisode series Wireless. Part 1 of episode 2 has been shared on You Tube, and Joseph makes an appearance right at the end.

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The Last Kingdom: IMDb page

Posted: Dec, 30, 2014

By: admin

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An IMDb page has been created for The Last Kingdom, which Joseph has been filming recently, in Budapest. It lists many cast members and their characters, including Joseph's AElfric.

The lovely photo above was shared by Joseph on Instagram just before Christmas. 

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Banished: shows to look forward to in 2015

Posted: Dec, 28, 2014

By: admin

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Several online publications have included Banished in their 2015 shows to look forward to. The series will broadcast on BBC2 in the UK and BBC First in Australia. No broadcast date has been revealed yet.

Jimmy McGovern, creator of Cracker, is the main writer on this tale of the foundation of Australia, in which Wenham plays Governor Phillip. Because we have to study it at school, we think it's boring, but McGovern says: "How the first convicts survived is the best story I've come across in over 30 years as a dramatist. When you've got something like that, you don't worry about the narrative; you just concentrate on the characters. That is what we did. Consequently I don't think I've ever written anything so character-driven." SMH

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The Dead 2: Japanese cinema release

Posted: Dec, 27, 2014

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Thanks to Japanese fan Bitayamoka on Twitter, who shared news that The Dead 2 India will have a cinema release in Japan from 10th January. There is even a Japanese website here, along with a new trailer.

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Macbeth: now in Australia and New Zealand cinemas

Posted: Dec, 14, 2014

By: admin

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According to a tweet by the Arts Alliance on twitter, Macbeth can now be seen in Australian and New zealand cinemas, as part of Globe on Screen.



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