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Holby City: Inside Soap interview

Posted: Sep, 12, 2012

By: admin

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Did you remember to buy the Inside Soap magazine today? This week's issue has a great interview with Joseph, who chats about having to keep quiet during his break from Holby City and Luc's relationship with Eddi. The big return is next week! A scan of the interview is in the galleries. 

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Holby City: What's On TV interview

Posted: May, 29, 2012

By: admin

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The What's On TV website has an interview with Joseph about tomorrow night's episode a future episode of Holby City. Read the interview in full on the website.

Luc Hemingway must stop a deadly disease in this week's Holby City before it claims lives, as Joseph Millson reveals...

Luc's got some very sick patients on AAU in this week's episode – and it doesn't help that colleague Eddi's late on shift. What's their relationship been like since they kissed?

"At the moment, they're in a 'can’t live with, can't live without' place. Luc and Eddi seem to look forward to seeing each other at work but can't help but annoy one another once they're there – and that's certainly what happens this week."

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All New People

Posted: May, 11, 2012

By: admin

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Video for opening night of All New People, with brief interview with Joseph, who filmed a cameo role for the play. A recording of a short film in which Joseph appeared as Kevin was played on a huge screen during each performance. 

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WOS Awards 2011 Acceptance Speeches

Posted: Feb, 20, 2012

By: admin

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Joseph accepting his best supporting actor in a musical award at the 2011 What's On Stage Awards.

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Love Never Dies: opening night video

Posted: Feb, 15, 2012

By: admin

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