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Macbeth: Millson has presence to spare

Posted: Sep, 06, 2013

By: admin

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The NY Times has shared a great new review for Macbeth at The Globe.

That surely explains the absolute command of Samantha Spiro as Lady Macbeth in this go-round, opposite the hirsute Joseph Millson in the title role. Mr. Millson has presence to spare and there is no doubt on this occasion that this Scottish ruler is also a military man par excellence: Today, the crown, tomorrow, a superhero movie franchise.

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The Dead 2 India: new review & premiere photo

Posted: Sep, 02, 2013

By: admin

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The Contains Moderate Peril website already shared a lovely review of the film on Fleapits and Picure Palaces website, and now has share some photos from the FrightFest presentation of the The Dead 2: India, including one of Joseph. 

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The Dead 2 India: great review from Horror Cult Films

Posted: Aug, 31, 2013

By: admin

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A new review for The Dead 2: India has been shared by Horror Cult Films, who loved it, and awarded 8 out of 10.

The Dead 2: India is bigger, better and more exciting than the first film, with strong central characters and a well worn story delivered with creativeness and passion. The emotional core of the film is brilliantly set up, and the scenes of savagery mixed with the pulse pounding score make The Dead 2 one of the finest zombie films of the year. Powerful stuff!

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The Dead 2 India: new FrightFest premiere photos

Posted: Aug, 29, 2013

By: admin

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2 new and gorgeous photos of Joseph at last week's The Dead 2: India premiere have been uploaded to the galleries. The Londonist has a roundup from FrightFest. 

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I Give It A Year: deleted scene

Posted: Aug, 28, 2013

By: admin

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Fans of Joseph who are considering buying the Region 2 I Give It A Year DVD are in for an extra treat. One of the bonus deleted scenes on the DVD "Chloe and the office" features Joseph. 

The DVD is also now available in Australia through Hopscotch Films

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