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The Dead 2 India: Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival

Posted: Oct, 26, 2013

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For fans in Belgium, The Dead 2: India is being screened at the 2013 Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival tonight. 

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The Dead 2 India: Sky Movies interview with directors

Posted: Oct, 22, 2013

By: admin

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Another interesting interview with The Ford Brothers for Sky Movies can be found here. As with other interviews about the film, fascinating tales from filming in India have been shared.

Despite limited resources, The Dead 2: India is a larger production than the first instalment. A helicopter shot of lead Joe Millson hanging off a massive wind turbine is breathtaking, and signals a leap forward in the Fords’ ambition.

“We were able to do some aerial photography on this film,” Jon explains, “which allowed us to raise the bar and add new elements. We planned aerial shots for the first Dead but most of the money went on bribery and corruption.

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Macbeth: final dance video

Posted: Oct, 20, 2013

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A video of the final Macbeth dance has been shared on You Tube. It will keep us going until the DVD of the show is released. This photo of the entire cast was shared on Twitter by Moyo Akande

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Macbeth: final performance photo & speeches

Posted: Oct, 17, 2013

By: admin

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Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Facebook Page shared a large photo of the final scene in Macbeth, which ended the 2013 season. They also shared a video link to the speech by Dominic Dromgoole, and you can see Joseph behind him throughout.

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Dead of the Nite: US DVD 7th January 2014

Posted: Oct, 17, 2013

By: admin

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Indie horror film Dead of the Nite gets a DVD release in the US on 7th January 2014, through US distributor Midnight Releasing. More details and a review can be found here

The film producers are also offering unspecified Joseph goodies, if another film gets support on Kick Starter

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