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Law & Order UK: Bad Romance

Posted: Feb, 14, 2014

By: admin

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Details of Joseph's guest episode of Law & Order: UK, in upcoming season 8, has been added to IMDb. His character's name is Maitland Cosby, and according to IMDb, he will appear in episode 6 of season 8, apparently titled Bad Romance. In addition, a broadcast date of 17th July has been added. ITV rarely release series broadcast dates so far in advance, so this may actually change.  

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New photo from Garry Lake

Posted: Feb, 10, 2014

By: admin

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This gorgeous new photo of Joseph, part of a recent photoshoot, was shared on Facebook by photographer Garry Lake. 

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24: Live Another Day past the halfway point of shooting eps 1 & 2

Posted: Feb, 06, 2014

By: admin

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Jon Cassar has been tweeting about filming 24: Live Another day. Apparently they are past the halfway point of filming the first 2 episodes.


A behind the scenes video for the recent teaser, has Kiefer Sutherland revealing more about the new series.

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24: Live Another Day first teaser trailer

Posted: Feb, 04, 2014

By: admin

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FOX released the first teaser trailer for 24: Live Another Day during the Superbowl in the US yesterday. There is no sign of Joseph in it. 

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BBC 2014 Audio Drama Awards reception photos

Posted: Jan, 30, 2014

By: admin

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This lovely photo of Joseph with Shaun Dooley, at the 2014 Audio Drama Awards reception the other evening, has been shared, along with another one of Joseph from last year, on their website. Sadly Joseph didn't win. 

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