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Banished: due to start filming April 7th?

Posted: Mar, 27, 2014

By: admin

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According to shooting for Banished begins in Sydney on April 7th. 

And Banished, the first local commission, about the early days of Australia's penal colony, begins filming in Sydney on April 7.

Several articles about Banished appeared in the last couple of days, as the broadcast plans for the new BBC channel for Australia were announced. 

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24: Live Another Day new trailer

Posted: Mar, 27, 2014

By: admin

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FOX has released a new trailer for the new season of 24 Live Another Day, along with some key art. The new season begins May 5th in the US.

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Penny Dreadful: new Stitched teaser from Showtime

Posted: Mar, 25, 2014

By: admin

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Showtime has released a new teaser trailer for Penny Dreadful.

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Brief: Ballet Boyz video now online

Posted: Mar, 21, 2014

By: admin

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If you missed the broadcast on Channel 4 last night, of Joseph's short film Brief by the Ballet Boyz, Random Acts has kindly uploaded it to their website. 

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Banished: Australian talent scouts looking for extras

Posted: Mar, 16, 2014

By: admin

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The Australian Telegraph is reporting that local talent scouts are looking for people to appear in the new BBC production, which will begin filming next month at Manly Dam. They also shared another photo of the Banished set being constructed.

A BBC spokeswoman said scouts would be searching Manly for people aged 15-65 to appear as extras. The roles would be marines and convicts.

The spokeswoman said anyone interested in an extras role could contact the producers via extrasfilm

Filming at Manly Dam will run for five weeks, as part of eight weeks’ filming in Sydney.

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