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Macbeth: new production photos

Posted: Feb, 24, 2014

By: admin

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The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre production of Macbeth may have finished last October, but that doesn't mean we cant still enjoy lovely reminders of the show. The Globe website has uploaded several, previously unseen, great action photos from the production, to the Macbeth archive page

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24: Live Another Day Entertainment Weekly first look

Posted: Feb, 22, 2014

By: admin

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The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly has a first look feature on 24: Live Another Day. I don't think we'll see anything of Joseph in the article, but it is available now to buy.

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Banished: new BBC drama from Jimmy McGovern

Posted: Feb, 16, 2014

By: admin

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Fantastic news for Joseph - he is about to start filming a leading role, Major Ross, in the new BBC 2 drama Banished, by Jimmy McGovern. The 8 part historical drama will film in UK and Australia, until June this year. 

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Penny Dreadful: extended new trailer

Posted: Feb, 15, 2014

By: admin

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Showtime released an extended new trailer for Penny Dreadful. No sign of Joseph in it, but it certainly gives a flavour of what we can expect from the series. 

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Another new photo from Garry Lake

Posted: Feb, 15, 2014

By: admin

Comments: 1

Another gorgeous new photo of Joseph, taken by photographer Garry Lake has appeared online. 

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