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Banished: Australian filming finishes soon

Posted: May, 22, 2014

By: admin

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According to a new article on Banished will complete filming in Sydney next Monday, before moving back to Manchester. 

On the western bank of the dam, groups of abject prisoners and musket-carrying soldiers in scarlet coats go about their business among smoky cooking fires, mean canvas tents and rough-hewn slab huts. At one end of the settlement a Union flag flutters, while at the other a scaffold casts an ominous shadow over the whole scene at the popular beauty spot. This pitch-perfect, extensive recreation of the settlement established at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip is the backdrop to a new seven-part epic TV series tracing the privations and challenges faced by the settlers.

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Macbeth: Globe DVD video clip

Posted: May, 20, 2014

By: admin

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A fantastic video clip of the Globe Theatre production of Macbeth, has been uploaded to You Tube by Opus Arte. It seems that Opus Arte may be releasing the DVD of the production, although I can see no dates for that yet.  

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The Dead 2 India: Cannes 2014 poster & trailer

Posted: May, 18, 2014

By: admin

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A new poster for The Dead 2 India has been shared online this week, along with a new trailer.

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Macbeth: Globe On Screen dates & locations

Posted: May, 13, 2014

By: admin

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The Globe On Screen website has added dates and cinema locations for the 2014 broadcast of Macbeth. It has been awarded a 12a certificate by the BBFC.

This bold and exhilarating production leavens the tragedy with plenty of laughter. Cineworld Magazine

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Penny Dreadful: episode 6 details and broadcast date

Posted: May, 08, 2014

By: admin

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Penny Dreadful will begin broadcast in UK on Sky Atlantic from 20th May 2014. The Showtime website has a few details for Joseph's episode of Penny Dreadful - What Death Can Join Together, which will air in the US on June 15th.

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