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The Real George Orwell: Dreaming preview clip

Posted: Feb, 03, 2013

By: admin

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The BBC Radio 4 website has uploaded this preview clip of Dreaming, which will air tomorrow 4th February from 2.15 pm. 

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The Real George Orwell: Joseph interview & Guardian preview

Posted: Feb, 03, 2013

By: admin

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The BBC Radio 4 website have uploaded a lovely interview with Joseph, in which he discusses the real George Orwell. 

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The Real George Orwell: The Stage reviews Burma & Homage to Catalonia

Posted: Feb, 01, 2013

By: admin

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A review of the recently broadcast Homage to Catalonia and Burma on radio 4 has been shared on The Stage website. Don't forget that the shows are still available to catch up on iPlayer, while each evening Joseph can read you a bed time story on Radio 4.

Eric Blair, Orwell’s real name, is played by Joseph Millson, who was recently seen as a medic having a breakdown on TV’s Holby City. If this were television, he would not have been cast here, as he is far too handsome to play Orwell, who longed to be attractive to women. Millson merges a clipped accent with the confusion of a young man who abhors casual colonial racism.

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Upcoming dates with Joseph on the radio

Posted: Jan, 28, 2013

By: admin

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As Joseph will be on the radio so much over the next few weeks, here is a comprehensive 'dates for your diary' list. More dates will be added as they are released. And don't forget that all programmes will be available to listen again on iPlayer!

27th Jan
Radio 4 Homage to Catalonia (ep 1) 3pm

28th Jan
Radio 4 Burma 2.15pm
Radio 4 Down and Out in Paris and London 10.45pm

29th Jan
Radio 4 Down and Out in Paris and London 10.45pm

30th Jan
Radio 4 Down and Out in Paris and London 10.45pm

31st Jan
Radio 4 Down and Out in Paris and London 10.45pm

1st Feb
Radio 4 Down and Out in Paris and London 10.45pm

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The Real George Orwell: BBC Review Show

Posted: Jan, 26, 2013

By: admin

Comments: 0

The BBC Review Show featured The Real George Orwell celebration in last night's broadcast. You can hear clips of Joseph narrating as well as this photo of him from 28 minutes or so. Joseph's first broadcast is tomorrow at 3pm Homage to Catalonia.

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