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Twelfth Night press night after party

Posted: Nov, 18, 2012

By: admin

Comments: 0 has a lovely photo of Joseph attending the press night after party for Twelfth Night in London last night. Visit the site for the full size version.

Photos on Dan Wooller's website are easily available to buy, at a reasonable cost.

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Mourning Rules: Virgin Media Shorts

Posted: Nov, 10, 2012

By: admin

Comments: 0

Sadly Mourning Rules didn't win at the Virgin Media Shorts Awards at the BFI in London on Thursday night, but a few photos from the evening have been shared on Twitter and the Sweet As A Productions Facebook Page.  An article about the event can be found on the Belfast Telegraph website.

According to this website, Joseph will be holding an drama masterclass for Dunottar School pupils on 2nd December. 

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Holby TV Awards & Mount Pleasant

Posted: Nov, 08, 2012

By: admin

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The results of the recent Holby TV Awards for fans of the series, on the Holby TV website have been published, and Joseph won lots of categories! Visit the site for full details. 

The Mount Pleasant DVD was finally released a month or so ago, and for Joseph fans who missed it, he appears in episode 6.

Joseph shared this photo from the recent recording of the George Orwell Celebration for Radio 4 in London, Joseph is narrating several titles as well as playing George Orwell in a few of the plays. 

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Uncle Vanya press night after party

Posted: Nov, 04, 2012

By: admin

Comments: 0 has a lovely photo of Joseph and Much Ado About Nothing co-star Adam Rayner attending the press night after party for Uncle Vanya in London last night.

Photos on Dan Wooller's website are easily available to buy, at a reasonable cost.

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BBC George Orwell celebration

Posted: Oct, 30, 2012

By: admin

Comments: 0

As part of a George Orwell celebration to be broadcast in January 2013 on Radio 4, Joseph is to record 6 plays as George Orwell as afternoon plays, and will also narrate a 10 part adaptation of Down and Out in Paris and London, as a book at bedtime.  

Joseph goes into the recording studio next week, and come January you shall be able to listen to him on radio 4 for 18 nights!

The plays...

A two part adaptation of Homage to Catalonia
Loving Mr Orwell
Orwells Dream
Orwell in Jura
Orwell in Burma
Jura Jura Jura.

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