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Reunited: GMTV interview - watch again

Posted: Jun, 30, 2010

By: admin

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For those who missed the lovely interview with Joseph and Jemima Rooper on GMTV this morning, it is available to watch again on the GMTV website. For anyone who can't access the video on the site, it will be added to the galleries later.

Today's Guardian has Reunited in it's 'watch this' list today.

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BBC interview with Joseph

Posted: Apr, 01, 2010

By: admin

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BBC Three Counties has a really lovely interview with Joseph on their website, where he discusses work and life in Berkhamsted. The interview can be listened to, and read on the site.

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Love Never Dies: Guardian interview

Posted: Mar, 04, 2010

By: admin

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The Guardian are carrying an article about the production with a brief interview with Joseph.

"I go upstairs, past chattering chorus girls too bright and colourful for real life, to have a word with the appalling Raoul. In the original, he is heroically boring; in Love Never Dies, he is a drunk. Raoul, played by Joseph Millson, wears a beautiful grey suit and his legs are very long. I feel slightly sorry for the appalling Raoul. Michael Ball played him at one point, and called the role "thankless"; but Millson can still, perhaps, give me some insights. Why is the Phantom so fascinating? "Everyone can identify on some level with the Phantom," he says. "Everyone wears masks. Everyone has felt like they want to hide away in their cave." He looks away."

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The Priory: WOS video interview

Posted: Dec, 09, 2009

By: admin

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Thanks to Lorna for spotting that Joseph was interviewed at the 2009 What's On Stage Awards Launch.

Click here to watch the brief interview, where Joseph discusses the nomination for The Priory at The Royal Court Theatre.

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Every Good Boy Deserves Favour: Times interview

Posted: Jan, 05, 2009

By: admin

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There is an article by Bryan Appleyard in the dead tree edition of today's Sunday Times Culture magazine, about the play and includes a brief interview with Joseph, who apparently is in the process of losing 2 stone in weight for the role.
"I have to look the part, as there does seem to be an implicit understanding in the play of how long he has been in these terrible places. There' is a kind of addiction to matyrdom in him that has quite a bit of glamour in it. It seems quite important to him that his name is known in the west."


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