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Exclusive Website Interview : Part 2 Jan 2007

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

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Here is the second part of the interview! Interesting news about his new project!

Section C – Much Ado specific

Your portrayal of Benedick had the critics raving – how did you put together your take on such a well known character

We had a long rehearsal – maybe too long. I just played and explored each scene for itself, tried not to worry about the picture, the arc of the story too much. That’s for the audience to see. Stole as much as I could from other Benedicks ! 

You played Benedick for over six months – what did you do to keep the character fresh

Kept trying new things – within reason. Tuned in to the very different atmosphere that each audience brings every night. Concentrated on the other actors.

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Exclusive Website Interview : Part 1 Jan 2007

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

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Joseph has been exceptionally kind in answering a few (ok more than a few) interview questions put to him by website member Susannah.  Part 1 posted today and Part 2 will be tomorrow. A huge thank you to Joseph for doing this for us.

Section A – Quick Fire Round ….ten starters

Latest Film you saw  Casino Royale – sadly. 

Last Book you read Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins by Rupert Everett

Best book(s) ever  Nightmare Question ! Ummmmm…… Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) or  David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)

Most coveted part (in a play or film)  Archie Rice in The Entertainer by John Osborne. I’ll have to wait for a few years. 

Role model / hero / heroine My Father 

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Much Ado About Nothing interview Oct 2006

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

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A Guide To Flirting

by Tamzin Lewis  October 2006

It is a double act on the stage and in the dressing room. Tamsin Greig and Joseph Millson are Shakespeare’s witty cynics Beatrice and Benedick in a sultry Much Ado About Nothing. And lengthy RSC rehearsals for the play have clearly forged a strong friendship between the two.

Tamsin says: “We had quite a lot of time to spend on the Beatrice and Benedick relationship, which was great. We had to get the back story of what had gone on between the two of them. And we had lots of opportunity to go down blind alleys and cul-de-sacs and get it wrong.”

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Much Ado About Nothing interview June 2006

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

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Europe Intelligence Wire June 29 , 2006

(From Leicester Mercury)

From James Bond to the Bard: Joseph Millson is licensed to thrill. As LIZZ BRAIN explains I Having already added more raves to his stockpile of reviews for his performance as Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, he's now rehearsing for a new production of the rarely-staged King John.

In the meantime, he's barely had time to stand still.

He played Banquo in the BBC's Macbeth, and appeared with Steven Berkoff in Richard II - "That was fantastic,'' he said.

He called me Phil for the entire run and it became such a running joke among the company during notes sessions that I never dared tell him!" he says, sitting during his lunch break on the lawns of the Swan Theatre.

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Dog In A Manger (RSC) interview Oct 2004

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

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A Spanish main man

Oct 29 2004 By Gordon Barr, The Evening Chronicle

Having three plum roles in one Royal Shakespeare Company season is enough to make any actor envious. And Joseph Millson, ex-dishy doctor in ITV's Peak Practice, is certainly enjoying his stint in the RSC's Spanish Season.

Only problem is, with three roles to play, and with the productions playing alternate nights, he sometimes has trouble remembering who he is. "I've had to give my characters little mannerisms to remember them by," laughs Joseph, during a well-earned break during The Spanish Season's Stratford run.

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