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Eight Days That Made Rome: Spartacus Escapes video & series DVD

Posted: Mar, 24, 2018

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Director Jim Greayer has uploaded a video clip to vimeo from Joseph Millson's episode of Eight Days That Made Rome: The Spartacus Revolt. If you missed the series which aired on Channel 5 last November, (Sarah-Jane Potts appeared in the episode 'The Downfall of Nero'), Eight Days That Made Rome is available to buy as a DVD from Amazon, or for digital download as an individual episode from UK iTunes. 

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Tango One: Regan and Millson lend some gravitas to their respective roles

Posted: Mar, 21, 2018

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Tango One was released in the UK on DVD last Monday, and is now available to buy via Amazon, iTunes and other DVD outlets. The photo shared above is of the Tango One cast and crew screening, celebrating the DVD release. 

There only seems to be one review for Tango One so far, which is a bit mixed, though has kind words to say about Joseph Millson's performance. 

On the plus side, Regan and Millson lend some gravitas to their respective roles. Donovan and Hathaway are intended to be deadly opponents but this isn’t properly established and may have made a stronger centre for the drama.

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Joseph Millson one of The Stage's favourite theatre stars

Posted: Mar, 15, 2018

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A new article in The Stage magazine, by Mark Shenton, offers a list of favourite theatre actors who provide a guarantee of quality on stage, and it includes Joseph Millson - "we are also blessed in the UK with lots of brilliant actors who largely make their careers in the theatre. Though they may not necessarily sell tickets in their own right, they offer a benchmark guarantee of quality".

Joseph Millson

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Angel Has Fallen: new film project begins next week

Posted: Mar, 11, 2018

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Joseph Millson starts shooting his next film project - Angel Has Fallen -  starring Gerard Butler, next week. Den of Geek has some more info about the film, which is shooting mainly in London. Joseph's role will be as Agent Ramirez. Keep an eye on the IMDb page for the film. Digital Spy has shared behind the scenes photos of filming, which has already started in London.

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Tango One: now available to download from iTunes, Amazon & Sky

Posted: Mar, 06, 2018

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Crime thriller Tango One is available to buy in UK today for download. Find it on iTunes, Amazon and Sky. The perfect Mother's Day gift, surely.

The DVD is released on March 19th, for half the price of the Amazon Video! Odd. 

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