An interview with Holby City producer Justin Young on the Digital Spy website. reveals some gossip and background to Joseph's character Luc Hemingway. Read it in full on the Digital spy website.

We recently saw Luc Hemingway disappear from our screens.

Can you tell us if he'll be back, and what the future might hold for him and Eddi? "I think it's the nature of Luc's character that you're never quite sure when he's going to appear and when he's going to disappear! He'll probably be back at some point, and he'll probably appear at the most awkward moment possible for Eddi! "In terms of whether or not he's going to be back for good, I don't think that's Luc's style - he doesn't stay anywhere for long. He's got a fear of being trapped, so he'll keep moving on. I think he'll always come and go, and you'll never be sure whether he's going to hang around for long. But I think we haven't seen the last of Luc…"

Are you aware of how popular the Luc and Eddi pairing has proved among the online fans?

"Yes, I do get a sense of how popular they are. I don't look on the forums, but a few people have told me about 'Team Leddi'! I'm absolutely delighted about that."

Luc has a real air of mystery about him. Will more be revealed about his character, or does it work better if some of those things stay a secret?

"It's a really good question, and it's a funny balancing act for us. I know that when Joseph Millson first started at Holby, he said in an interview that we'd agreed to keep him a mystery, but I know that some viewers were then worried that we didn't know where we were going with the character.

"In actual fact, we've always had a very clear idea of what we wanted to do with Luc, but I always like to leave room to discover a character along with the actor. You have to see what an actor brings to a character, and discover those stories as you go along. I don't like clumsy, expositional backstory, so I like to drip-feed these things.

"I think characters like Luc and Hanssen are so intriguing because we know so little about them, but with that said, we are going to reveal more about Luc. We are going to tell the audience a little bit more about what makes him tick and where he comes from. This is assuming that he comes back!"